Political Awareness and Involvement

Get Out the Vote Campaign (Voter Mobilization) - In conjunction with our National Social Commission, our Voter Mobilization efforts concentrate on three phases: Voter Registration (Drives), Voter Education (Programs) and our Get Out and Vote (Drives) providing transportation and assistance to those in need on election day. In partnership with the Portsmouth Pan-Hellenic Council, we sponsor numerous voter registration drives, candidates forums, literature drops, and ‘souls to the polls’ events aimed at increasing voter participation and engagement to ensure our voices are heard!
Delta Day at City Hall/School Board - The Portsmouth Alumnae Chapter actively participates as a conduit and voice to address issues and concerns of our communities. From regular attendances at council and board meetings to representation on numerous boards, committees, commissions; the chapter maintains a strategic posture in advocating for the needs of our communities while educating others on the importance of being involved.
Delta Days at the General Assembly /Delta Days at the Nation’s Capital/United Nations - Since its inception in 1989, the Portsmouth Alumnae Chapter participates and conducts Delta Days at the local, state and national level. These annual legislative conferences are designed to increase members' involvement in the national and state public policy-making process.